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Like many software engineers my life involved moving from one country to another for work. Since that moment this whole concept of relocation fascinated me because almost everyone in my circle of friends ended up in a place far from where they came but their stories were different. I learned that the topic of relocation and immigration is a very complex and diverse one. How widely different the experience can be for different people! Most interesting about this however is how little people not affected by this understand the complexities of being an immigrant in another country.

像许多软件工程师一样,我的生活涉及从一个国家搬到另一个国家工作。 从那一刻起,整个搬迁的概念就让我着迷,因为我朋友圈中的几乎每个人最终都住在一个远离他们来的地方,但是他们的故事却不同。 我了解到,搬迁和移民这一主题是非常复杂而多样的。 对于不同的人,体验可以有多大的差异! 然而,最有趣的是,没有多少人不受此影响而了解作为另一个国家的移民的复杂性。

While my experience of moving to another country was the easiest imaginable, it was harder for my wife. How different immigration can be is hard to imagine from the outside.

虽然我想去异国的经历是最容易想象的,但对我的妻子来说却很难。 从外部很难想象会有多么不同的移民。

Since immigration is a big topic again I figured I might share some of my experience on the topic to shed some light on how all that stuff actually works.


基础 (The Basics)

The most important part is to understand the legal basis for pretty much all topics related to entering and leaving a country and the permits. This is surprisingly complex because of the huge variety of different terms for related topics.

最重要的部分是了解几乎所有与进入和离开国家及许可证有关的主题的法律依据。 由于相关主题的不同术语种类繁多,因此这非常复杂。

Citizenship 国籍
Citizenship is typically what you get at birth and it makes you the
citizen of a certain country. In the majority of countries being a
citizen gives you certain rights but also obligations. For instance
in Austria citizenship gives you the right to vote, but you are
required to defend your country. Citizenship also almost always gives
you the right to live in a country though there might be further
某个国家的公民。 在大多数国家
公民给您一定的权利,但也给您义务。 例如
保卫你的国家。 公民身份也几乎总是给
Multiple Citizenships 多重国籍
This refers to the idea of holding two (or more) active citizenships.
This is one of the more complex topics because of how different
countries approach this. On the one hand are countries like Austria
which have the concept of dual citizenships but make it very hard to
hold multiple. On the other there are countries like the US which do
not recognize other citizenships at all but will not prevent you from
holding multiple. Lastly there are countries which outlaw multiple
citizenships altogether.
国家对此采取了措施。 一方面是像奥地利这样的国家
持有多个。 另一方面,有像美国这样的国家
持有多个。 最后,有些国家禁止多个
Visas 签证
If you are not a citizen of a country you might need a visa to enter
or leave a country. Visas in itself however do not necessarily give
you the right to actually be in a country. A good example for that
would be a person who immigrates into a European country for work from
a country with a passport that requires you to have a visa. In that
case you need a visa to cross the border and then you need a permit to
stay / permit to work.
或离开一个国家。 签证本身并不一定
您实际上有权在一个国家/地区。 一个很好的例子
持有护照并需要签证的国家。 在那里面
Permits 许可证
Permits come in different flavours and not all countries have the same
approach to them. In most countries there are permits to stay and
separate permits to work and sometimes there are residence permits
which work differently. In Austria for instance there are permits
called “Aufenthaltstitel” which literally translates to “entitlement
for stay” which also usually comes with an indication if you are
allowed to become part of the workforce or not. For instance a family
member permit gives you the right to work whereas a permit for stay
for students will only give you limited permissions for working.
接近他们。 在大多数国家/地区都有居留许可
哪个工作方式不同。 例如在奥地利,有许可证
称为“ Aufenthaltstitel”,字面意思是“权利
是否允许加入劳动力队伍。 例如一个家庭
Passports 护照

Passports are travel documents and means to identify yourself internationally. As of a few years ago any person travelling will need one of those which includes little children. Interestingly however passports are a lot more complex than you might think because they are not directly linked to citizenship. More about this later.

护照是旅行证件,是在国际上证明自己身份的手段。 几年前,任何旅行的人都需要其中一个,其中包括小孩。 有趣的是,护照比您想象的要复杂得多,因为它们与公民身份没有直接关系。 稍后再详细介绍。

A passport gets you across a border and in many cases can act as an universally accepted way to proof something about yourself. For most states in the world the passports follow a generally accepted format which makes them very convenient and they are on of the few documents you never need to translate. Because of this, they will become your best friend when you are not at home though they are by no means the only document you need to reside in another country.

护照可以使您越过边界,并且在许多情况下可以用作证明自己的某些东西的普遍接受的方式。 对于世界上大多数州,护照采用一种普遍接受的格式,这使它们非常方便,而且它们是您不需要翻译的少数文件中的一部分。 因此,当您不在家时,他们将成为您最好的朋友,尽管它们绝不是您需要在另一个国家/地区居住的唯一文件。

关系公民身份和护照 (Relationship Citizenship and Passport)

Most people would assume that having a passport of one country makes you a citizen thereof. That however is not at all correct. There are different reasons for this and I can’t go into all here. The biggest reason why you might have a passport of a country you are not a citizen of is because you are a stateless person.

大多数人会认为拥有一本护照会使您成为该国公民。 但是那根本不正确。 造成这种情况的原因多种多样,我无法在这里全部介绍。 您可能拥有非国籍国家护照的最大原因是,您是无国籍人。

For most people in the world once they hold a citizenship they cannot become stateless. The reason for this is that there are international treaties where if ratified in a country you cannot lose your citizenship unless you acquire another one. There are some countries where this is not the case. The United States being the most popular of them. A US national can give up their US citizenship and become a stateless person this way. The reason this works is because you do not need to be a US citizen to be a US national. For instance people born in American Samoa are US nationals but they are not US citizens. This is also the part where citizenship and nationality becomes unclear. A person born in American Samoa will for all intents and purposes be seen as a US citizen as their passport will indicate that they have US nationality.

对于世界上大多数人来说,一旦获得公民身份,他们就不会成为无国籍的人。 原因是有一些国际条约,如果在一个国家中批准该条约,除非您获得另一条约,否则就不会失去您的国籍。 在某些国家并非如此。 美国是其中最受欢迎的国家。 美国国民可以这样放弃自己的美国国籍,成为无国籍人士。 之所以可行,是因为您不必是美国公民即可成为美国国民。 例如,在美属萨摩亚出生的人是美国国民,但不是美国公民。 这也是公民身份和国籍不明确的部分。 在美属萨摩亚出生的人出于各种意图和目的将被视为美国公民,因为其护照将表明他们具有美国国籍。

On the other hand there are many stateless people living in Estona and Lativa who are officially stateless. The reason for this is that they are Russian speaking and are either not entitled to Estonian or Latvian citizenship or have no interest in applying for one. They are issued a special passport for stateless people which however some some special powers an Estonian passport does not have: they can travel to Russia visa free.

另一方面,有很多无国籍人居住在爱沙纳和拉提瓦,他们都是正式的无国籍人。 原因是他们说俄语,没有资格获得爱沙尼亚或拉脱维亚国籍,或者对申请一个人没有兴趣。 他们为无国籍人发行了特殊护照,但爱沙尼亚护照没有某些特殊权力:他们可以免签证前往俄罗斯。

我该如何迁移? (How Do I Migrate?)

This for many is the million dollar question. How can I immigrate in a foreign country? Generally this question heavily depends on your own citizenship and the laws of the country you want to become a resident of.

对于许多人来说这是百万美元的问题。 我怎样才能移民到国外? 通常,此问题在很大程度上取决于您自己的公民身份以及您想成为其居住国的法律。

Here are the most common ways to immigrate:


Freedom of Movement 行动自由

Sometimes you are entitled just like that to live in another country like a citizen of that country would be. This for instance is the case within the European Union. If you are German but you feel like living in the Czech Republic, you can do so. Just head there and you’re done. That’s not entirely true, you still need to do some paper work in some cases (like registering etc.), but there is no rule that prevents you.

有时,您有资格像在该国的公民一样生活在另一个国家。 例如,欧洲联盟内部就是这种情况。 如果您是德国人,但您想住在捷克共和国,可以这样做。 只是去那里就可以了。 这不是完全正确的,在某些情况下(例如注册等),您仍然需要做一些书面工作,但是没有阻止您的规则。

This is by far the easiest route but it’s restricted to a certain population of the world, and there is good chance you as a reader are not in that group.


Marry a Citizen 嫁给一个公民

Marriage is still the best way to get a permit of residence and it’s becoming an even better by the day because the requirements are so stict nowadays. However marriage does not immediately give you residence and most people will probably have noticed that. As an example in order for me and my wife (who is not Austrian) to legally live together with our child in Austria we need to have household income of 17.500 EUR per year after taxes. That does not sound like a lot, but for many people it’s not the easiest thing to show, especially because those earnings need to exist regardless of the outcome of your residence application. For most people this means showing that you have that much in cash available as you probably do not live in the country yet to demonstrate a regular income through paychecks.

结婚仍然是获得居留证的最佳途径,并且由于当今的要求如此严格,婚姻正在日益变得更好。 但是,婚姻并不能立即为您提供居住权,大多数人可能已经注意到了这一点。 例如,为了使我和我的妻子(不是奥地利人)与我们的孩子在奥地利合法生活在一起,我们需要每年家庭税后收入17.500欧元。 这听起来似乎并不多,但是对于许多人来说,这并不是最简单的事情,尤其是因为不管您的居留申请的结果如何,这些收入都必须存在。 对于大多数人来说,这意味着要显示您有足够的现金,因为您可能尚未居住在该国,无法通过薪水证明自己有固定收入。

In the United Kingdom the income requirement is currently 18.600 GBP / year and you need to show income for 2.5 years. Which means that if you want to show it in savings, you need to have at least 62.500 GBP on an account somewhere.

在英国,目前的收入要求为18.600英镑/年,您需要显示2.5年的收入。 这意味着,如果您想显示其储蓄额,则某个地方的帐户至少需要有62.500英镑。

Be Exceptional 出类拔萃
The only other way to immigrate is typically to be exceptional. In
most countries this is either by being rich enough to invest into the
country and get residence or citizenship in the process or by being
extraordinary intelligent or in demand. This works well for engineers
because engineers are in demand in almost all places. However that is
no guarantee yet, as in most countries visas and permits are
restricted by numbers and there is a certain amount of luck
requirement to get one.
唯一的其他移民方式通常是例外。 在
非凡的智慧或需求。 这对工程师来说效果很好
因为几乎所有地方都对工程师有需求。 但是那是
Become a Citizen 成为市民
Most people cannot become a citizen from one day to another, but
sometimes they can. In that case that is the way to go. Typically
this is done by a prior claim to citizenship that you forgot about
(for instance to be born to a parent with a certain citizenship).
This most of the time is only possible for as long as you did not turn
18 yet.
有时他们可以。 在这种情况下,这就是要走的路。 通常
Claim Asylum 申请庇护
In certain situations you might be getting away with claiming asylum.
Pretty sure the chances that you are a reader of this blog and you
quality for this route are very dim. Asylum is restricted to people
who come from situations where their life is in danger.
这条路线的质量非常暗淡。 庇护仅限于人

合法移民很难 (Legal Immigration is Hard)

Legal immigration is expensive and a lot of work. Besides the proof of income (which just requires you to have money), there is a lot of time and effort required. All the documents you need (birth certificate, proof of being in good legal standing, citizen certificate, proof of registration in the original country, prior academic records, drivers license, etc.) need to be apostiled or otherwise made work for international usage and translated. In some country many of those documents can only be retrieved in a single place and then you need to go through notaries to get them attested. All steps need to be done in one exact order as each border crossing needs to be planned and there is time involved in the paperwork.

合法移民非常昂贵,而且工作量很大。 除了收入证明(只需要您有钱),还需要大量的时间和精力。 您需要将所有您需要的文件(出生证明,具有良好法律地位的证明,公民证明,在原国家/地区的注册证明,先前的学历记录,驾驶执照等)放回原位,或者以其他方式制作以供国际使用,翻译。 在某些国家/地区,其中许多文档只能在一个地方检索,然后您需要通过公证人对它们进行认证。 所有步骤都必须以一个确切的顺序完成,因为每个跨界通道都需要进行计划,并且文书工作需要时间。

On top of that you often need to pass language exams so there is some learning to do. In Austria for instance you have to leave the country if you cannot show German on an A2 level and you cannot even apply without A1. There are some exceptions to the rule (for instance this does not apply to asylum seekers or people immigrating via freedom of movement) but for the most part everybody has to go through.

最重要的是,您通常需要通过语言考试,因此需要学习一些东西。 例如在奥地利,如果您不能在A2级别上显示德语,甚至没有A1就不能申请,则必须离开该国。 该规则有一些例外(例如,这不适用于寻求庇护者或通过行动自由移民的人),但大多数人都必须经过这一规则。

Finally: Where do you pay taxes? In most countries you pay taxes in the country you have your primary residence. However there are some exceptions. The US will tax you no matter where in the world you are, but they will try to not double tax you for some time. The US will also tax you if you stop being a citizen and they think you relinquished your citizenship to dodge taxes.

最后:您在哪里纳税? 在大多数国家/地区,您在拥有主要居住地的国家/地区纳税。 但是,也有一些例外。 无论您身在何处,美国都会向您征税,但他们会在一段时间内尽量避免对您征税。 如果您停止成为公民,并且美国认为您放弃了公民身份以避税,美国也会向您征税。

非法路线 (The Illegal Route)

Many people I met over the years just never legally immigrated somewhere. That however does not mean that they are illegally in the country. It can also mean that they just never immigrated to begin with and just hop from country to country. They are there as submarines either by pretending to be tourists and regularly changing the place of living.

这些年来,我遇到的许多人从未合法地移民过任何地方。 但是,这并不意味着他们在该国是非法的。 这也可能意味着他们从没有移民开始,只是从一个国家跳到另一个国家。 他们装扮成游客,并定期改变居住地,以此作为潜艇。

This is a bit different from the traditional method of not crossing the border much which many migrant workers do. This however can turn terrible the moment someone catches you. Overstaying your permitted time in Schengen for instance will lock you out for 5 years from almost the entire European Union.

这与许多农民工所采用的不跨界的传统方法有些不同。 但是,一旦有人抓住您,这可能会变得可怕。 例如,超过您在申根的允许时间,将使您离开整个欧盟约5年。




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